Sea Turtle Tracking: Active Sea Turtles
**SCAM ALERT!** If you came to this page from Fahlo (previously Wildlife Collections), that’s great! If not, we wanted to warn you about companies operating under a variety of names are selling products online and illegally using STC’s tracked turtles as a perk to buyers. If you have been offered a STC tracked turtle by purchasing something from Bela Wonder, MyTurtleProject, Mahola, Tidalia, Earth Lives, Ocean Lives, Ocean (not to be confused with ‘The Ocean Project‘), Blue Ocean, Turtle’s Journey, Wildlife Team, Wildlife Mission, Wildlife Charm, or Ocean Better, they have used Sea Turtle Conservancy’s turtle tracking information without our permission. The one exception is “Fahlo,” which has an exclusive partnership with STC involving our tracked turtles. Learn more by clicking here.
Active Turtles
BellaBella is an adult hawksbill sea turtle released on July 20, 2023 with a satellite transmitter. She was encountered nesting on Jones Bay beach, Nevis and measured 88.7 cm curved carapace (shell) length and 77.2 cm curved carapace width. Bella was named by her Sponsor, Four Seasons Resort Nevis, and is taking part in the 2023 Tour de Turtles.
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Last location update: 19 hours
Cumulative distance: 8,180 km / 5,083 miles
BellaUpdated 19 hours ago.
BriarBriar is an adult female green sea turtle released with a satellite transmitter on September 26, 2024 from Tortuguero National Park in Costa Rica. She measured 104.3 cm curved carapace (shell) length and is part of a project to track green turtles nesting on the beach at the southern end of Tortuguero National Park.
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Last location update: 116 hours
Cumulative distance: 2,029 km / 1,261 miles
BriarUpdated 116 hours ago.
BuckleyBuckley is a sub-adult green sea turtle that was found stranded more than a mile inland from the Gulf of Mexico, on a rural dirt road in Dixie County, just north of Cedar Key on November 11th, 2024. Good Samaritans spotted Buckley and they were able to call Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) for help. FWC dispatched University of Florida Marine Animal Rescue Team (UF) to initially respond to Buckley’s stranding call. UF was then able to transfer Buckley To The Florida Aquarium’s Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Center the next day for care. After months of care, Buckley was cleared for release and released with a satellite tag on February 12th 2025. Buckley measured 63.9 cm CCL (shell length). Buckley’s satellite transmitter was sponsored by Verizon.
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Last location update: 20 hours
Cumulative distance: 247 km / 153 miles
BuffettOn June 29, 2023 Caretta Research Project researchers and Dan Evans, a collaborator from the Sea Turtle Conservancy, attached satellite transmitters to two adult loggerheads with the goal of tracking their moments after nesting on Wassaw, GA. Dr. Brian Shamblin, collaborator and geneticist with UGA, has helped us locate past and present relatives of our satellite tagged females to learn more about how their lineage plays a role in nesting and conservation.
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Last location update: 19 hours
Cumulative distance: 7,363 km / 4,575 miles
ChiliguaraAn adult female green sea turtle released with a satellite transmitter on September 26, 2024 from Tortuguero National Park in Costa Rica. She measured 105.0 cm curved carapace (shell) length and is part of a project to track green turtles nesting on the beach at the southern end of Tortuguero National Park.
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Last location update: 19 hours
Cumulative distance: 1,968 km / 1,223 miles
Donna ShelloDonna Shello is an adult female leatherback sea turtle encountered nesting on May 27, 2024, on Soropta Beach, Panama. She measured 156.4 cm in curved carapace (shell) length and 108.3 cm curved carapace width, and she laid 75 fertile eggs and 62 unfertilized eggs. She was originally seen and flipper tagged on Soropta Beach in 2020. Donna Shello
is taking part in the 2024 Tour de Turtles and was named by her Sponsor, World Nomads.
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Last location update: 20 hours
Cumulative distance: 14,875 km / 9,243 miles
EbbEbb is an adult female loggerhead sea turtle released with a satellite transmitter on July 27, 2024 from the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge, Florida. She measured 99.0 cm curved carapace (shell) length and 95.4 cm curved carapace width. Ebb is taking part in the 2024 Tour de Turtles and was named by her sponsor, Disney Conservation Fund.
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Last location update: 16 hours
Cumulative distance: 3,033 km / 1,884 miles
EbbUpdated 16 hours ago.
EclipseEclipse is an adult female leatherback sea turtle encountered nesting on May 31, 2024 on Jupiter Beach, FL, and she is one of Florida Leatherbacks' older girls. She was originally tagged in 2005 on Juno Beach, Fl and was seen nesting in 2007, 2013, 2015, 2018, 2020, and 2022. She is average size at 158.0 cm carapace (shell) length and is taking part in the 2024 Tour de Turtles. Eclipse was named by her Sponsor, SharkReef.
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Last location update: 20 hours
Cumulative distance: 7,738 km / 4,808 miles
is an adult female leatherback sea turtle encountered nesting on May 27, 2024, on Soropta Beach, Panama. She measured 146.4 cm in curved carapace (shell) length and 115.5 cm curved carapace width, and she laid 98 fertile eggs and 22 unfertilized eggs. She was encountered nesting again in Soropta on June 5, 2024. Esperanza
is taking part in the 2024 Tour de Turtles and was named by her Sponsor,
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Last location update: 19 hours
Cumulative distance: 7,717 km / 4,795 miles
FloFlo is an adult female loggerhead sea turtle released with a satellite transmitter on July 27, 2024 from the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge, Florida. She measured 108.5 cm curved carapace (shell) length and 98.3 cm curved carapace width. She is one of the larger turtles satellite tagged in the Archie Carr Refuge. Flo is taking part in the 2024 Tour de Turtles and was named by her sponsor, Disney Cruise Line.
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Last location update: 20 hours
Cumulative distance: 1,615 km / 1,004 miles
FloUpdated 20 hours ago.
GiliGili is an adult female loggerhead sea turtle encountered nesting on July 30, 2024, in Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge, Florida. She measured 95.6 cm in curved carapace (shell) length and 83.0 cm curved carapace width. Gili is taking part in the 2024 Tour de Turtles and was named by her sponsor, Gili Sports.
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Last location update: 284 hours
Cumulative distance: 2,870 km / 1,783 miles
GiliUpdated 284 hours ago.
GochujangGochujang (gow·choo·jang) is an adult female green sea turtle released with a satellite transmitter on July 15,
2024 from Tortuguero National Park in Costa Rica. She measured 95.4 cm in curved carapace (shell) length. Gochujang was named by her sponsor, Gimme Snacks. She is taking part in the 2024 Tour de Turtles.
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Last location update: 10 hours
Cumulative distance: 2,602 km / 1,617 miles
HenriettaHenrietta is an adult female loggerhead sea
turtle released on June 24, 2024 with a satellite transmitter after nesting on Coquina Beach. She measured 73.9 cm in curved carapace (shell) length. Henrietta the turtle is taking part in the 2024 Tour de Turtles and was named by her sponsor, Hurricane Hanks.
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Last location update: 18 hours
Cumulative distance: 1,629 km / 1,012 miles
JuanitaJuanita is an adult female green sea turtle released with a satellite transmitter on September 26, 2024 from Tortuguero National Park in Costa Rica. She measured 109.4 cm curved carapace (shell) length and was originally flipper tagged while nesting in the northern section of Tortuguero in 2008. She was then seen nesting in the southern end of Tortuguero beach in 2014. She is part of a project to track green turtles nesting on the beach at the southern end of Tortuguero National Park.
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Last location update: 18 hours
Cumulative distance: 1,516 km / 942 miles
JupaJupa is an adult female green sea turtle released with a satellite transmitter on September 26, 2024 from Tortuguero National Park in Costa Rica. She measured 97.4 cm curved carapace (shell) length and is part of a project to track green turtles nesting on the beach at the southern end of Tortuguero National Park.
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Last location update: 18 hours
Cumulative distance: 1,582 km / 983 miles
JupaUpdated 18 hours ago.
KelpyKelpy is an adult female loggerhead sea turtle released with a satellite transmitter on July 30, 2023 from the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge, Florida. She measured 114.7 cm curved carapace (shell) length and 104.1 cm curved carapace width and she had previously been flipper tagged by the University of Central Florida in June, 2011 and seen nesting again in July, 2017. Kelpy is taking part in the 2023 Tour de Turtles and was named by her sponsor, SEA LIFE TRUST.
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Last location update: 20 hours
Cumulative distance: 3,708 km / 2,304 miles
KelpyUpdated 20 hours ago.
Lady JayneLady Jayne is an adult female leatherback sea turtle encountered nesting on May 3, 2024 on Jupiter Beach, FL. She is an interesting turtle in that has nested in consecutive years (2021 and 2022) and she was satellite tagged back in 2022. Florida Leatherbacks, Inc. first flipper tagged her in 2018 on Jupiter Beach, Florida and saw her seven times that season. She returned in 2019, 2021, 2022, and now in 2024. She is an above average sized girl at 166.0 cm carapace (shell) length and she is taking part in the 2024 Tour de Turtles.
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Last location update: 20 hours
Cumulative distance: 10,176 km / 6,323 miles
Marigold PuddlefootMarigold Puddlefoot is an adult female loggerhead sea turtle released with a satellite transmitter on July 30, 2023 from the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge, Florida. She measured 97.0 cm curved carapace (shell) length and 89.5 cm curved carapace width. Marigold Puddlefoot is taking part in the 2023 Tour de Turtles and was named by her sponsor, Gideon’s Bakehouse.
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Last location update: 654 hours
Cumulative distance: 7,231 km / 4,493 miles
Reef WitherspoonReef Witherspoon is an adult female leatherback sea turtle encountered nesting on May 27, 2024, on Soropta Beach, Panama. She measured 150.9 cm in curved carapace (shell) length and 108.8 cm curved carapace width, and she laid 74 fertile eggs and 30 unfertilized eggs. Reef Witherspoon
is taking part in the 2024 Tour de Turtles and was named by her Sponsor, Graft Cider.
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Last location update: 20 hours
Cumulative distance: 7,362 km / 4,574 miles
RoseleighRoseleigh, a juvenile green sea turtle rescued off Islamorada on March 20, 2024, was unable to dive with a heavy load of fibropapilloma tumors and entangled in fishing line. She has beaten the odds and made a full recovery! Roseleigh’s treatment at the Turtle Hospital included disentanglement, wound care, tumor removal surgeries, broad spectrum antibiotics, fluids, vitamins and a healthy diet of greens and mixed seafood. Roseleigh was released with a small satellite tag on August 2, 2024. She is taking part in the 2024 Tour de Turtles and is sponsored by the Turtle Hospital.
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Last location update: 20 hours
Cumulative distance: 559 km / 347 miles
SeamoreSeamore is an adult female leatherback sea turtle encountered nesting on May 4, 2024 on Jupiter Beach, FL, and she is one of Florida Leatherbacks' older girls. She was originally tagged in 2003 on Juno Beach, Fl and was seen nesting in 2007, 2010, 2012, 2017, and 2022. She is average size at 155.0 cm carapace (shell) length and she is taking part in the 2024 Tour de Turtles. She was named by her Sponsor, NaVetor.
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Last location update: 20 hours
Cumulative distance: 13,604 km / 8,453 miles
ShelbyShelby is an adult female loggerhead sea turtle released with a satellite transmitter on July 28, 2024 from the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge, Florida. She measured 97.5 cm curved carapace (shell) length and 85.0 cm curved carapace width. Shelby is taking part in the 2024 Tour de Turtles and was named by her sponsor, SEA LIFE TRUST.
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Last location update: 20 hours
Cumulative distance: 2,399 km / 1,491 miles
SparkleSparkle is an adult hawksbill sea turtle released on July 22, 2024 with a satellite transmitter. She was encountered nesting on Lovers Beach, Nevis and measured 90.0 cm curved carapace (shell) length and 79.0 cm curved carapace width. Sparkle was named by her Sponsor, Four Seasons Resort Nevis, and is taking part in the 2024 Tour de Turtles.
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Last location update: 19 hours
Cumulative distance: 3,483 km / 2,164 miles
TippiTippi is an adult hawksbill sea turtle released on July 19, 2023 with a satellite transmitter. She was encountered nesting on Jones Bay beach, Nevis and measured 89.7 cm curved carapace (shell) length and 77.0 cm curved carapace Tippi was named by her Sponsor, Four Seasons Resort Nevis, and is taking part in the 2023 Tour de Turtles.
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Last location update: 20 hours
Cumulative distance: 4,770 km / 2,964 miles
TippiUpdated 20 hours ago.
TwinkleTwinkle is an adult hawksbill sea turtle released on July 21, 2024 with a satellite transmitter. She was encountered nesting on Lovers Beach, Nevis and measured curved carapace (shell) length and 78.0 cm curved carapace width. Twinkle was named by her Sponsor, Four Seasons Resort Nevis, and is taking part in the 2024 Tour de Turtles.
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Last location update: 19 hours
Cumulative distance: 3,676 km / 2,284 miles
Recent Turtles That Are No Longer Transmitting
HarlowHarlow, a sub-adult loggerhead sea turtle, was found unable to dive, emaciated and covered with barnacles by a family on June 27, 2024. Harlow has beaten the odds and made a full recovery! Treatment at the Turtle Hospital included barnacle removal, shell-rehabilitating, fluids, broad-spectrum antibiotics, vitamins and a healthy diet of mixed seafood. Harlow was released with a small satellite tag on December 21, 2024.
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Last location update: 1,891 hours
Cumulative distance: 90 km / 56 miles
HarlowUpdated 1,891 hours ago.
Madame LeotaMadame Leota is an adult female loggerhead sea turtle released with a satellite transmitter on July 29, 2023 from the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge, Florida. She measured 95.0 cm curved carapace (shell) length and 86.5 cm curved carapace width. Madame Leota is taking part in the 2023 Tour de Turtles and was named by her sponsor, Disney Cruise Line.
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Last location update: 1,890 hours
Cumulative distance: 5,893 km / 3,662 miles
Mai TaiMai Tai is an adult female green sea turtle released with a satellite transmitter on September 26, 2024 from Tortuguero National Park in Costa Rica. She measured 99.7 cm curved carapace (shell) length and is part of a project to track green turtles nesting on the beach at the southern end of Tortuguero National Park.
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Last location update: 2,014 hours
Cumulative distance: 860 km / 534 miles
OtisOtis is a juvenile green sea turtle that was found stranded on Crescent Beach, Florida in February, 2024 as part of a stranding event on Florida’s east coast. Otis was taken to Sea Turtle Hospital at Whitney Lab for triage and was then later transferred to The Florida Aquarium for rehabilitation. After months of care, Otis was cleared for release and released with a satellite tag on September 18, 2024. Otis measured 50.5 cm CCL (shell length). Otis’ satellite transmitter was sponsored by Verizon.
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Last location update: 884 hours
Cumulative distance: 654 km / 407 miles
OtisUpdated 884 hours ago.
PestoAn adult female green sea turtle released with a satellite transmitter on September 26, 2024 from Tortuguero National Park in Costa Rica. She measured 94.8 cm curved carapace (shell) length and is part of a project to track green turtles nesting on the beach at the southern end of Tortuguero National Park.
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Last location update: 2,059 hours
Cumulative distance: 912 km / 567 miles
PestoUpdated 2,059 hours ago.
If you don’t see your turtle listed above, please check the full list of sea turtles tracked through the STC website.
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