Sea Turtle Tracking: Florida Leatherback Tracking & Conservation Project
In 2020 the Sea Turtle Conservancy worked with Florida Leatherbacks, Inc. to study the migration patterns of critically endangered leatherback sea turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) nesting along the Atlantic coast of Florida. The study will reveal important information about the turtle’s migratory behavior, which will help both conservationists and natural resource managers to improve protection efforts for this endangered species.
The satellite transmitter attached to each leatherback sends signals to orbiting satellites each time the turtles surface to breath. The data will be collected and downloaded to STC researchers. Educational migration maps will show the best location points of the turtle’s movements and locations. This will allow interested persons all over the world to watch along as researchers discover where the giant leatherback turtles travel after nesting. Through STC’s Sea Turtle Migration-Tracking Education Program, the public is invited to watch along on the Internet as we learn more about these amazing animals.

For more information on sea turtles, check out the Sea Turtles Information section of our website.
Click on the turtle’s name to see a map of its movements.
2023 Turtles
CENTENNIA – Centennia was originally flipper tagged by Florida Leatherbacks, Inc. in May, 2012. She was seen nesting again in 2018 and 2021. She was observed nesting on April 25, 2023 on Jupiter Island, Florida, USA, and she is little larger than average at 156.0 cm carapace (shell) length. Centennia is taking part in the 2023 Tour de Turtles, was named by her Sponsor, Turtle.
GABBY – Gabby (aka Leo) was originally flipper tagged by Florida Leatherbacks, Inc. in May, 2010 and was seen nesting again in 2012 and 2018. She was observed nesting on April 25, 2023 on Jupiter Island, Florida, USA, and she is average at 150.0 cm carapace (shell) length. She is taking part in the 2023 Tour de Turtles, was named by her Sponsor, GXS Bank.
MOANA – Moana was originally flipper tagged by Florida Leatherbacks, Inc. in May, 2017 and was seen nesting again in 2021. She was observed nesting on June 10, 2023 on Jupiter Island, Florida, USA, and she is larger than average at 158.0 cm carapace (shell) length. She is taking part in the 2023 Tour de Turtles, was named by Florida Leatherbacks, Inc. and is Sponsored by Shark Reef Aquarium.
OPAL – Opal is interesting in that she has a pretty large growth attached to her cloaca. She was originally flipper tagged by Florida Leatherbacks, Inc. in April, 2021. She was observed nesting on April 22, 2023 on Jupiter Island, Florida, USA. Opal is below average size at 140.0 cm carapace (shell) length. She is taking part in the 2023 Tour de Turtles and was named by her Sponsor, fahlo.
TELLO-SHARPE – Tello-Sharpie was originally flipper tagged by Florida Leatherbacks, Inc. in March, 2008 and was seen nesting again in 2012 and 2020. She was observed nesting on May 6, 2023 on Jupiter Island, Florida, USA, and she is larger than average at 155.0 cm carapace (shell) length. Tello is taking part in the 2023 Tour de Turtles, was named by her Sponsor, GXS Bank.
2022 Turtles
CLEO – Cleo is an adult female leatherback sea turtle encountered nesting on April 20, 2022 on Jupiter Beach, FL. She was first flipper tagged seven years ago, in 2015. Cleo was seen twice in 2015 and twice in 2018, and not again until encoutered nesting again by Florida Leatherbaks, Inc. in 2022. She is an average turtle with a curved carapce (shell) length of 153.0 cm. Cleo is taking part inthe 2022 Tour de Turtles and was named by her Sponsor, Sea Turtle Conservancy.
DONNA – Donna is an adult female leatherback sea turtle encountered nesting on May 30, 2022 on Jupiter Beach, FL. She was first flipper tagged 12 years ago and has been encountered 14 times since then. She is a bit bigger than our average turtle at 159.0 cm curved carapace (shell) length. She is taking part in the 2022 Tour de Turtles and was named by her Sponsor, Florida Leatherbacks, Inc.
LADY JAYNE – Lady Jayne is an adult female leatherback sea turtle encountered nesting on April 24, 2022 on Jupiter Beach, FL. She is an interesting turtle that has nested in consecutive years. Florida Leatherbacks, Inc. first flipper tagged her in 2018 and saw her seven times that season. She returned in 2019, 2021, and now in 2022. She is an above average sized girl at 165.0 cm carapace (shell) length and she is taking part in the 2022 Tour de Turtles. She was named by her Sponsor, Turtle & Hughes.
PANCAKE -Pancake is a new adult female leatherback sea turtle that was observed nesting on March 29, 2022 on Jupiter Island, Florida, USA. She measured 138.0 cm in curved carapace (shell) length, smallest Florida Leatherbacks has ever recorded. Pancake is taking part in the 2022 Tour de Turtles and was named by her Sponsor, fahlo.
TRUFFLE – Truffle is an adult female leatherback sea turtle encountered nesting on April 21, 2022 on Jupiter Beach, FL. She was first encountered and flipper tagged 8 years ago in 2014 and was seen once that season and again in 2018. She was observed four times in 2020. It will be interesting to see where she nests! She is one of Florida Leatherback, Inc’s biggest turtles at 170.0 cm curved carapace (shell) length. Truffleis taking part in the 2022 Tour de Turtles and was named by her Sponsor, Shark Reef Aquarium.
2021 Turtles
CARRIE – Carrie is an adult female leatherback sea turtle that was observed nesting on May 1, 2021 on Jupiter Island, Florida, USA. She is measured 154.0 cm in curved carapace (shell) length. Carrie was named by her Sponsor, Florida Leatherbacks, Inc.
INDIGO – Indigo is an adult female leatherback sea turtle that was observed nesting on May 12, 2021 on Jupiter Island, Florida, USA. She measured 157.5 cm in curved carapace (shell) length. Indigo was named by her Sponsor, Sea Turtle Conservancy.
TURQ – TURQ is an adult female leatherback sea turtle that was observed nesting on June 5, 2021 on Jupiter Island, Florida, USA. She measured 143.0 cm in curved carapace (shell) length. TURQ was named by her Sponsor, ODOS Eyewear.
VESPER – Vesper is an adult female leatherback sea turtle that was observed nesting on April 26, 2021 on Hutchinson Island, Florida, USA. She is a small Florida leatherback measuring 147.0 cm in curved carapace (shell). Vesper was named by her Sponsor, Wildlife Collections.
FRECKLES – Freckles is an adult female leatherback sea turtle that was observed nesting on May 22nd 2020 on Jupiter Island, Florida. She is an average size Florida leatherback measuring 150.5 cm in curved carapace (shell) length and 107.0 cm curved carapace width. Freckles was named by her sponsor, Sea Turtle Conservancy.
HOPE – Hope is an adult female leatherback sea turtle that was observed nesting on May 23th 2020 on Jupiter Island, Florida. She is a rather large Florida leatherback measuring 161.0 cm in curved carapace (shell) length and 114.0 cm curved carapace width. Hope was named by her sponsor, Turtle & Hughes, Inc.
JESSIE – Jessie is an adult female leatherback sea turtle that was observed nesting on May 23th 2020. She is a small Florida leatherback measuring 146.5 cm in curved carapace (shell) length and 111.0 cm curved carapace width. When encountered on May 14th 2020, Jessie had a new injury probably caused by a boat strike. Jessie was named by her Sponsor, Certina Watches.
TAMARIND – Tamarind is an adult female leatherback sea turtle that was observed nesting on May 21st, 2020 on Jupiter Island, Florida, USA. She is a small Florida leatherback measuring 147.5 cm in curved carapace (shell) length and 97.5 cm curved carapace width. Tamarind was named by her Sponsor, Atlantis, Paradise Island.
TARTLEBY – Tartleby is an adult leatherback sea turtle that was observed nesting on May 23rd, 2020. She is an average size Florida leatherback measuring 153.5 cm in curved carapace (shell) length and 109.0 cm curved carapace width. Tartleby was named by her sponsor, tarte.
In 2000, Dr. Lew Ehrhart and Dean Bagley (University of Central Florida) and Dr. Scott Eckert, Senior Research Biologist (Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute) succeeded in attaching a satellite transmitter to track the migration of a leatherback turtle after nesting in the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge. This is an historic event for the Archie Carr Refuge and an important step to understand the migration patterns of endangered leatherback turtles after they leave the nesting beaches of the Refuge and begin their long journey in the Atlantic Ocean. According to scientists, leatherback populations (especially in the Pacific) have declined more than 90% in the last 15 years due primarily the incidental killing of these turtles by commercial swordfishing fleets.
CHINA GIRL – The tagged turtle was first seen nesting in the Archie Carr Refuge in 1994. She was named China Girl by UCF turtle biologist Dean Bagley to commemorate a group of Chinese scientists who were visiting the United States to learn how we protect sea turtles and their nesting beaches. China Girl is a regular visitor to Florida’s shores. She was observed nesting in the Carr Refuge in 1994, 1996 and in 2000. Scientists believe that she probably nested in 1998, but she was not encountered.